What is the Puerto Rico Society of Microbiologists?
The Puerto Rico Society of Microbiologists (PRSM) is a non profit organization founded in 1957. The PRSM is affiliated to the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and is its representative in Puerto Rico. The PRSM also sponsors student chapters in several universities.
There are many good reasons to join PRSM!
Our local branch is your direct connection to ASM and it's one of the most active. ASM gives us financial support and high-caliber human resources.
We have dominated for several years in the number of student chapters throughout the United States. These chapters are very active and receive financial assistance from ASM.
Historically, Puerto Rico had excellent representation within ASM, both in its annual conferences, and in a variety of distinctions.
The 1st and only section in Spanish offered at the annual ASM convention (ASM ¡En Vivo!) was created and co-hosted by local scientists.
We have direct representation in the governance of ASM through our counciler, Prof. Mishelle Rivera Santos.
For the 1st time, ASM created a board of directors of 14 members, and the 1st Latina and Puerto Rican to be elected by the membership was our past resident, Dr. Greetchen Díaz.
There are many opportunities for our community of researchers in the microbial sciences, being members of PRSM and ASM!