Semi-Annual Meeting 2015
New Pathogens on the Block: Diagnosis, Epidemiology and Patient Care
Saturday, January 24, 2015 from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM | Colegio de Tecnólogos Médicos de Puerto Rico | Ave. San Patricio F-1, Guaynabo, PR
Registration Form [click here for electronic payment vía PayPal]. Every participant must register before January 17th. Payment can be mailed to: Sociedad de Microbiólogos de Puerto Rico, PO Box 360175, San Juan, PR 00936-0175
Registration Fee
$40 PRSM regular members | $50 non-PRSM members
$20 students PRSM members | $30 students non-PRSM members
$10 surcharge for registrations received after January 17, 2015. Spaces are limited. Only 10 spaces are available for students and will be given those that register first on-line. Units of Continuing Education will be available for Medical Technologists
We are deeply thankful to the collaboration from the Colegio de Tecnólogos Médicos de Puerto Rico and providers in the exhibition hall.
Organizing Committee: Dr. Mariel E. Pérez-Vélez (chair), Lcda. Doris Vera, Lcdo. Luis E. Ruiz, Prof. Miguel Urdaneta, Dr. Jorge Rodríguez Cabán, and Dr. Rafael Tosado.
*PRSM Administrative Meeting (semi-annual membership assembly) is scheduled at 3:30 PM. All members are invited to the administrative meeting despite attending the conferences.
Preliminary Program
7:00 am Registration (until 10:00 am) and Breakfast
8:00 am Welcoming remarks.
Dr. José Pérez Jiménez (PRSM President),
Lcda. Ruth Rosario (CTMPR President)
8:30 am Introduction to the Concept “UNA Salud”: Common Zoonosis and their Epidemiology in Puerto Rico.
Dr. Brenda Rivera (State Epidemiologist, P.R. Department of Health)
9:30 am Chikungunya Fever.
Dr. Glenda González (Veterans Administration Hospital, San Juan)
10:30 am Coffee break and Visit to exhibitors.
11:30 am Transmission and Molecular Epidemiology of Chikungunya Virus.
Dr. Gilberto Santiago (CDC, San Juan)
12:30 pm Lunch and Visit to exhibitors.
1:30 pm Transmission Automation In The Microbiology Laboratory: From MALDI TOF Mass Spectrometry and Beyond Dr. Nikos Hontzeas (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics)
2:30 pm Ebola: the new challenge.
Dr. Edmundo Kraiselburd (University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences)
3:30 pm Coffee break and PRSM Administrative Meeting.