Welcome to the Puerto Rico Society of Microbiologists, an American Society for Microbiology local branch!

We invite you to join us and share the important and 

fascinating world of Microbiology.

Take advantage of the PRSM membership! For only $15 (student membership) or $35 (full membership), you can benefit from talks by high-caliber scientists, networking, workshops, travel awards, and much more. There are many opportunities for our community of researchers in microbial sciences by being members of PRSM and ASM!

We offer memberships for:

✔️ students (microbiology or any other science-related field students)

✔️ full members (anyone interested in the PRSM objectives and holds a bachelor's degree)

Join or renew your membership for the Puerto Rico Society of Microbiologists!

Stay up to date with our activities!

Sociedad de Microbiólogos de Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Society of Microbiologists

Postal Address: PO Box 360175, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

Physical Address: Condominio Lemans, 602 Ave. Muñoz Rivera, Hato Rey, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00918 

E-mail: smpr50@gmail.com